Posted by : Unknown Friday, 18 October 2013

10 Weird & Amazing Robot Facts

1. Elektro, the world’s first humanoid robot, debuted in 1939. Built by Westinghouse, the seven-foot-tall walking machine “spoke” more than 700 words. Elektro later appeared in the 1960 B movie Sex Kittens Go to College.

2. The first known case of robot homicide occurred in 1981, when a robotic arm crushed a Japanese Kawasaki factory worker.

3. Leonardo da Vinci drew up plans for an armored humanoid machine in 1495. Engineer Mark Rosheim has created a functional miniature version for NASA to help colonize Mars

4. Archytas of Tarentum, a pal of Plato’s, built a mechanical bird driven by a jet of steam or compressed air—arguably history’s first robot—in the fifth century B.C.

5. There are currently 4,000 robots serving in the US Military, including reconnaissance Talon bots that scout for roadside bombs in Iraq and PackBots that unsuccessfully poked around for Osama bin Laden’s hideout in Afghanistan.

6. Chris Melhuish of the Bristol Robotics Laboratory created robots that use bacteria-filled fuel cells to produce electricity from rotten apples and dead flies. The goal: robots that forage for their own food- essentially they wouldn’t need humans to survive.

7. Mini Me: Australian researchers are trying to build a micro robot that would mimic the swim stroke used by E. coli bacteria. It would be injected into a patient so it could take a biopsy from the inside.

8. Cybernetics professor Kevin Warwick calls himself the world’s first cyborg, with computer chips implanted in his left arm. He can remotely operate doors, an artificial hand, and an electronic wheelchair.

9. Winebot, built by Japan’s NEC System Technologies and Mie University, can ID scads of different wines, cheeses, and hors d’oeuvres . . . up to a point. It recently mistook a reporter’s hand for prosciutto. (In Winebot’s defense, that guy was a pig.)

10. Robotics expert Henrik Christensen predicts humans will be having sex with robots within four years. If you’re thinking, “Finally, no strings attached…” keep in mind that Hans Moravec, founder of Carnegie Mellon’s Robotics Institute, predicts that robots will emerge as their own species by 2040, with feelings and expectations. In other words, if you don’t call your robot fling the next morning, you’ll be disassembled.

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While the nounrobotics is commonplace today, it wasn't back in the 1941 when sci-fi writer Isaac Asimov coined the term in a short story published inAstounding Science Fiction. It took another 20 years before the term really took off, and by the 1980s, robotics had firmly planted itself in the English language. The term robot entered English in 1923 from a translation of Karel Capek's 1920 play calledRossum's Universal Robots. It came to English from Czech term robotnik meaning "slave."
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What is mechatronics engineering?

What is mechatronics engineering?

Mechatronics engineering combines mechanical engineering, computing and electronics to create functional, smart products.

Every day you come into contact with products of mechatronics engineering. They include cars, Blu-ray and DVD players, microwave ovens, dishwashers and washing machines.

The processes and production lines used to make these and many other products are also mechatronic in nature.

What do mechatronics engineers do?

Mechatronics engineers design new products or improve existing devices by adding mechatronic elements. They also design, construct and run factory production lines and processes.
Mechatronics engineers are responsible for devices such as:

  • Antiskid braking systems
  • Clothes dryers that adjust their operation based on the dampness of the clothes
  • Washing machines that can sense the amount of dirt in the washing load and vary water and electricity to suit
  • Chemical sensors in microwave ovens that can monitor the smell of food to ensure it is cooked perfectly.

Careers in mechatronics engineering

You will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to design, build and operate the intelligent products and systems of today and tomorrow.

The applications for mechatronics engineering are virtually unlimited and the need for professionals in this progressive field is increasing. You will be in high demand.

There are many research opportunities for mechatronics engineers in nanotechnology, robotics, by-wire technologies for motor vehicles, bioengineering and many other developing fields.

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